Performances marked below with a star () will have the composer in attendane.
Details may be submitted via email regarding any performances of works by Gwyneth Walker to be added to this calendar..
March 23, 2025: Performance of Fanfare, Interlude, and Finale (1980) for orchestra by the Montpelier Chamber Orchestra, Dan Bruce, conductor, Montpelier, Vermont
March 23, 2025: Performance of Equality is in the Air We Breathe (2020) for SATB chorus and piano by Pasadena Pro Musica, Pasadena, California
March 26, 2025: Though Love Be a Day (1979) for high voice and piano by Jamie-Rose Guarrine, soprano and Martha Fischer, piano, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts
March 19, 2025: Performance of "There Is Time" from Viva Violin! (2016) for violin and piano, Lani Bortfeld, violin and Larry Picard, piano, Enfield, Connecticut
March 29, 2025: Performance of Symphony of Grace (1999) for orchestra, Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra, Lauren Green, conductor, Barltesville, Oklahoma
April 2, 2025: Performance of The Great Lakes (2022) for SATB chorus and orchestra by Pittsford Sutherland High School, Pittsford, New York
April 13, 2025: Performance of Trails and Open Spaces (2022) for string quartet by the Quantum Leap Chamber Ensemble, Stamford, Connecticut
May 1-4, 2025: Dedication Weekend for Falls Music Hall, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts
May 1 & 3, 2025: Performance of The Great Lakes (2022) for SATB chorus, woodwind sextet, percussion, and piano by the Lapeer County Concert Choir, Lapeer County, Michigan
May 3, 2025: Performance of The Great Lakes (2022) for SATB chorus, woodwind sextet, percussion, and piano by the Masterworks Chorale, Muncie, Indiana
May 3, 2025: Performance of Awaken (2024) for string orchestra and Here to Stay for string orchestra, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts
May 4, 2025: Performance of Craftsbury Trio (1990) for piano trio, by Juventas New Music Ensemble, First Parish, Sudbury, Massachusetts
May 4, 2025: Performance of Trails and Open Spaces (2022) for string quartet by the Quantum Leap Chamber Ensemble, Stamford, Connecticut
May 4, 2025: Performance of Let the Live I've Lived Speak for Me (2016) for SATB chorus, Every Life Shall Be a Song (2005) for SATB chorus and piano, The Day Is Done (2018) for children's chorus, SATB chorus, and piano, All My Trials (2014) for SATB chorus and piano, and How Can I Keep from Singing? (1995) for SATB chorus and piano by the Concert Choir of Northeast Connecticut, Pomfret Center, Connecticut
May 7, 2025: Two Performances of Flying Colors (2016) for orchestra by Classics 4 Kids (Classics Philharmonic Orchestra), Joan B. Kroc Theatre, San Diego, California
May 8, 2025: Two Performances of Flying Colors (2016) for orchestra by Classics 4 Kids (Classics Philharmonic Orchestra), Joan B. Kroc Theatre, San Diego, California
May 8, 2025: Performance of Greet the Day (2024) for organ, Carson Cooman, organ, Bruton Parish, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia
May 9, 2025: Performance of Flying Colors (2016) for orchestra by Classics 4 Kids (Classics Philharmonic Orchestra), Balboa Theatre, San Diego, California
May 17, 2025: Performance of Rhythms from the North Country (1987) for piano, by Julia Scott Carey, piano, Juventas New Music Ensemble, New England Botanic Garden, Boylston, Massachusetts
May 18, 2025: Performance of Rhythms from the North Country (1987) for piano, by Julia Scott Carey, piano, Juventas New Music Ensemble, New England Botanic Garden, Boylston, Massachusetts
May 29, 2025: Performance of As Evening Falls (2025) for organ, Carson Cooman, organ, Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
June 8, 2025: Performance of Greet the Day (2024) for organ, Carson Cooman, organ, Old Palatine Church, Mohawk Valley, New York
June 8, 2025: Performance of The Great Lakes (2019) for SATB chorus and orchestra, The Great Lakes Overture (2019) for orchestra, and How Can I Keep from Singing? (1995) for SATB chorus and orchestra by the North Shore Choral Society, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston, Illinois
June 8, 2025: Performance of Sweet Land (of Liberty) (2001) for string quartet, by Juventas New Music Ensemble, New England Botanic Garden, Boylston, Massachusetts
June 15, 2025: Performance of Sweet Land (of Liberty) (2001) for string quartet, by Juventas New Music Ensemble, New England Botanic Garden, Boylston, Massachusetts
July 27, 2025: Performance of Greet the Day (2024) for organ and As Evening Falls (2025) for organ, Carson Cooman, organ, Sakskøbing Church, Sakskøbing, Denmark
July 29, 2025: Performance of Greet the Day (2024) for organ and As Evening Falls (2025) for organ, Carson Cooman, organ, Sct. Mortens Kirke, Randers, Denmark
July 31, 2025: Performance of Greet the Day (2024) for organ and As Evening Falls (2025) for organ, Carson Cooman, organ, Svendborg Organ Festival, Svendborg, Denmark