Gwyneth Walker

Three Shaker Songs

for String Orchestra (2024)

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This suite of string arrangements provides an opportunity to revisit beloved Shaker songs. The intent is to explore, enjoy and expand upon the original tunes. The unique, often colorful character of each song guides the path for exploration.

For example, the well-known melody of "Simple Gifts" has a jagged contour heard in the falling 5ths of 'tis the gift to come down. Similarly, the pizzicato patterns in the introduction provide leaping intervals. This is a rough-hewn song, typical of Shaker simplicity.

"The Willow Tree" takes its title from the lyrics I will bow and be humble, yea, bow like the willow tree. The music opens with the bow down motif of falling pitches played by the Violins. The close harmonies create a gentle dissonance.

The theme is presented in the Viola, in the warm, expressive lower range. A solo Viola opens and closes this movement, perhaps suggesting a solitary worshipper bowing down before the Lord.

The meter of 6/8 is well-chosen for "Followers of the Lamb," for this is an especially joyful, bouncy song, with lyrics of:

Oh, sisters ain't you happy!
Oh, brethren ain't you happy!
Ye Followers of the Lamb!

The refrain of: Sing on, dance on, Followers of Emanuel. Sing on, dance on, Ye Followers of the Lamb! sways measure by measure. The listener can almost see and hear the Shakers dancing in a circle in the evenings!

The lyrics for the closing verses are very colorful. Good hands should not be sweeping or in singing and, I'm glad I am a Shaker! Truly!

Notes by the composer